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Healthcare Programs

当今的医疗保健行业正在经历动态变化,导致前所未有的医疗保健交付环境,需要独特的技能集. 医疗保健经理在各种各样的部门工作,包括:医院, clinics, long-term care, information technology, nonprofit organizations, public health, mental health, insurance, marketing, finance, and public policy. 康科迪亚为您准备的专业职位,提高卫生和保健组织的运作效率和有效性,并改善医疗保健服务的交付.

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Two healthcare professionals having a conversation

Master of Public Health

到2026年,与公共卫生相关的职位预计将在全国范围内增长近20%,几乎是其他所有职业增长率的两倍. 虽然医疗保健在诊断和治疗伤害和疾病方面发挥着关键作用, 从事公共卫生工作将使你专注于预防伤害和减少疾病传播的积极措施.

Two healthcare professionals reviewing paperwork together

Master of Healthcare Administration

MHA计划为学生在各种医疗保健环境中的领导职位做好准备, including hospitals, corporate medical systems, outpatient clinics, long-term care facilities, private practice offices, nonprofit, and community-based healthcare organizations.

Nursing students learning how to inject blood into a practice arm

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing

如果你有学士学位,想转行做护士, 我们的护理学加速学士学位(ABSN)第二学位课程提供了通往新职业的快速通道. 建立在你之前课程的基础上,并通过实践经验完成ABSN, in as little as 15 months. In addition to classroom time, 在整个项目过程中,你将在临床环境中完成765个小时.

Nursing students on their computers

Undergraduate Pre-Nursing Minor

康考迪亚大学欧文分校的护理预科辅修课程将为您获得护理学学士学位提供教育基础. Through this unique undergraduate track, 您将能够获得生物学文学学士学位(BA),辅修预科护理学,并有资格获得护理学加速学士学位(ABSN)课程. Both degrees can be completed in as little as 5 years.

Two people having a conversation in a hospital

Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP)

康考迪亚大学欧文分校的护理理学硕士与家庭护士执业者(MSN-FNP)认证资格准备胜任, compassionate, 整体护理专业人员成为医疗保健领域的变革推动者.

Healthcare at Concordia

It's the people that make the program

  • Alumni Interview: Keya Gupta

    Alumni Interview: Keya Gupta

    "Early on in the program, 我渴望参与一些可以补充我所学的东西. Dr. Sinardi immediately connected me with Dr. 特里西亚·卡萨布(Tricia Kassab)是一位经验丰富的高管,她在一个项目上向一名学生寻求帮助. 这是我参与ACHE的开始,也是我与Dr. Kassab, who is very much a part of my journey in healthcare today."

  • Alumni Interview: Lauren Williams

    Alumni Interview: Lauren Williams

    "Concordia is a smaller university that takes pride in its students. 通过教育和专业的支持,康科迪亚让我充分发挥了我的潜力. I enjoyed connecting with my peers, the faculty and the community. 我很自豪选择了这所大学,因为它帮助我取得了更大的成就."

  • Dr. Nelson and Dr. Cathi Sinardi

    Studying Loss in Lockdowns

    By Magazine Editorial Team

    In early 2020, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的教员艾琳·纳尔逊(Erin Nelson)当时正在休产假,她渴望开始一个新的研究项目, 在换尿布和24小时照顾两个小孩的过程中, one a newborn. Dr. 尼尔森在医疗保健领域的人际沟通方面有很强的背景, and when the unprecedented public health lockdowns began, she felt an urgency to dive in and study what was happening in society.

  • Students Posing in front of Grimm Hall

    Student Team Participates in Case Study Competition

    By Magazine Editorial Team

    A team of four Concordia University Irvine Healthcare Administration 研究生第一次参加了美国医疗保健主管学院(ACHE)全州大学碗. ACHE是一个为医疗保健领导者提供职业发展的专业协会, education, networking and board certification in healthcare management for 48,000 members worldwide. 

  • Healthcare Competition team


    来自康考迪亚大学欧文分校医疗管理硕士(MHA)项目的研究生最近参加了康考迪亚大学欧文分校首次参加2021年南加州大学碗医疗保健高管比赛. 这所文理大学的学生面对来自全州私立和公立大学的团队.

  • Catherine Sinardi, Ed.D. MFT

    Healthcare Roundtable

    By Orange County Business Journal

    Concordia University Irvine’s Director of Healthcare Programs Dr. Catherine Sinardi participated in a Q&A with healthcare professionals for the Orange County Business Journal.

  • COVID19 swab cartoon

    Three Positives in This Pandemic

    是的,在这次大流行中有积极的一面,尽管我们可能必须密切关注才能找到它们. 以下是凯恩教授的一些令人惊讶的观察结果, inspiring, and provide confidence that we will get through this.

  • Miseker Abate

    Treating Body & Soul

    By Magazine Editorial Team

    米塞克·阿巴特和她的家人以及身为神学家的父亲从埃塞俄比亚移民到欧文,并加入了康考迪亚大学欧文分校的大家庭. 拥有加州大学欧文分校的医学学位和哈佛大学的硕士学位, 她现在前往康奈尔大学进行外科实习,并计划在非洲扩大医疗服务.

  • Hera Kissoyan

    Fulfilling Her Calling

    By Lori Basheda

    Hera Kissoyan的祖母总是告诉她,她有一天会成为一名护士. And she always told her grandmother that she was wrong.

  • Jessica Parris

    Nursing Alumna Boosts Student Engagement

    By Magazine Editorial Team

    13岁的杰西卡·帕里斯(Jessica Parris)在新生儿重症监护室(NICU)陪女儿待了7周后,决定成为一名护士, born at 28 weeks.

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Contact Us


Dr. Terry Olson

Dr. Terry Olson
Dean of the School of Health and Human Sciences
[email protected]

Dr. Cheryl Smythe-Padgham

Dr. Cheryl Smythe-Padgham
Assistant Dean and Director of Nursing
[email protected]

Admissions Counselors

Patty Hunt

Patty Hunt
Sr. Graduate Admissions Counselor
[email protected]

Brian Tressler

Brian Tressler
Graduate Admissions Counselor
[email protected]

Alicia Redira

Alicia Redira
Graduate Admissions Counselor
[email protected]

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